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Metal Gear

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    Metal Gear

    Hry, ktera mela vyjit na Amigu uz v roce 1990 (viz dobova reklama z casopisu), se snad dockame o nejakych 31 let pozdeji.
    h0ffman vyviji na zaklade verze pro MSX hru urcenou pro Amigu 500 s min 1 MB ram. Hra by mela na rozdil od originalu bezet v plne rychlosti 50/60 fps.
    Dale by mely byt obsazene nektere volitelne! vylepseni jako lepsi hudba a zvukove efekty, vylepseny preklad apod.
    Klikni pro plné zobrazení obrázku

Jméno: Ultra_games_mg_ad.jpg
Počet zobrazení: 480
Velikost: 189,5 KB
ID: 147679

    a aky vyznam tam ma 50/60 fps ked su to staticke obrazovky a pohyb spritov ma 2-3 fázy ? Aspon mna to nijako neohurilo.
    A1200, Vampire V1200, 64GB CF, IndyAGA MK3, PCMCIA WiFi, 27" LCD


      A je to venku
      Originally released in 1987 for the MSX2, Metal Gear became an instant classic. Designed by the legendary Hideo Kojima, it spawned a huge franchise in stealth gameplay and is considered one of the …


        Tak jeste predelat dvojku a podelam se az za usima!
        Jdu to nacpat do Amigy! Diky!
        Amiga 1200 + Blizzard 1260 + 64 MB RAM + CF2IDE + Indivision AGA Mk1 + PCMCIA2CF + WHDLoad registered + GOTEK


          Metal Gear v1.1 - FINAL

          obsahuje spoustu oprav
          • detection using the cardboard box when entering some rooms fixed
          • max rations at max class fixed (was $12 instead of 12)
          • rolling barrels speed has been adjusted to be a little slower
          • original MSX tank glitch fixed where you could bypass the tank without defeating it
          • bootblock bug where dirty RAM caused crash on crack intro
          • bootblock memory allocation problems fixed, now works from disk on many more systems
          • cheat menu causing enemies to vanish
          • card cheat no longer trashes the equipment menu
          • Spanish item name text encoding fixed and text lengths resolved
          • Japanese text formatting fixed
          • WHDLoad slave now runs the crack intro

          Originally released in 1987 for the MSX2, Metal Gear became an instant classic. Designed by the legendary Hideo Kojima, it spawned a huge franchise in stealth gameplay and is considered one of the …

