Včera byla nedopatřením představena nová karta pro A1200 (nyní již veřejné info). Jedná se o 1260 (až 100 Mhz) a 1240 (Až 50 Mhz). Karta obsahuje FPGA, kde je momentálně AHI zvuková karta. Zatím není jasné, kdy bude karta prodávána (momentálně není dostupné použité FPGA).

This video belongs to a series of videos that I make while we do the testing period of the card. Due to an error, this video was released to the public and received some comments before being hidden again. I have decided to leave it public because nothing private or internal is really showed. The trinity 1240/1260 is an accelerator card for Amiga A1200 that for the moment, its release has been paralyzed because it contains a FPGA chip that these days has gone up in price. We hope to bring it to the market when the chips return to their normal value. In the meantime, we are improving it and doing more tests.