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    O: UltimatePPC

    Dobra zprava! Ze sve strany vidim pozitivni efekt v tom, ze se tak "na trhu" muze po delsi dobe objevit vice turbokaret pro velke Amigy a potencialne treba i za nizsi ceny. Opravdu jim fandim, at to dopadne
    AmigaOS // AROS


      O: UltimatePPC

      Tak nevim jestli je to joke ci ne, ale nekdo pise ze UltimatePPC je "zivy"

      Netherlands - 30 years of Amiga - 2015.


        O: UltimatePPC

        No já su ready...
        http://jack.untergrund.net [AMIGA 600 AMIGA 1200 AMIGA 1200T AMIGA 2000 AMIGA 4000 AMIGA 4000T CD32 Mac mini G4]


          O: UltimatePPC

          update January 2nd, 2015

          Happy 2015 from the UltimatePPC team!

          We hope 2015 will bring you all many good things. We have been very preoccupied the last year or so with things in our personal life... This led to a "pause" in the development of our uppc project. But! We have restarted our efforts to get a working demo ready before the Amiga30 event in the Netherlands this summer!

          Zdroj ultimateppc.nl


            O: UltimatePPC

            Takze den pred akci tym ultimateppc zrusil svou ucast na akci "30 years of Amiga".

            Na webu akce je to prezentovano takto

            Klikni pro plné zobrazení obrázku

Jméno: ultimateppc.jpg
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Velikost: 39,3 KB
ID: 108448


              O: UltimatePPC

              Pegasos II (1266MHz), 2048MB RAM, Radeon 9250 (256MB), HDD 200GB, USB 2.0, ZIP250 USB, USB floppy, SB Live!, HP LaserJet 1100, AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition


                O: UltimatePPC

                Tak to je skoda, ale uz od pocatku meli prilis velke ambice.


                  O: UltimatePPC

                  Small update na webu projektu, respektive info o jeho definitivnim konci.

                  About 7 years ago Gideon and I reconnected and kicked off this great adventure to build cool new hardware for the Amiga. We vowed to be better than all the other vaporware in the amiga history and create something cool. Unfortunately I failed. At the time of creating the prototype (which stirred a lot of comments on nearly everything) I got a new job that consumed all of my available time and some things happened in my personal life that upset nearly everything. Gideon plowed along on the design and PCBs but I was not able to support him on that, and the software part (my part) stalled, and then stopped. I always thought I would revisit the project at some point - but to be honest, I'd rather spend some time with Gideon as a friend - talk about life and our challenges in it - I've not been very good at that in the last years.

                  With all the new cool stuff coming out by Lukas now (check out the awesome ZZ9000) I'm officially declaring the UltimatePPC the best project ever that did not make it past the prototype phase. I'll see what I can and will do with the boards we have, maybe they will go to Folkert for the future Amiga museum. As for all the other work, it might end up in another project someday. Who knows. Now I want to go back to being an Amiga-enthusiast and being Gideon's friend. Feel free to reach out! BR, Rutger


                    O: UltimatePPC

                    No jo, on tu už z kraje někdo zmiňoval Natami, a je to tady.....
                    Amiga 600, Fúria EC020 OS, eX601, Indivision ECS, IDE Laylines, Amiga 1200, PiStorm32 Lite, PBook 1.67GHz, MOS 3.18, iBOOK G4, 1.2GHz, MOS3.18,,Asus UX433FA, MX-23.4 Libretto

