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Putty Squad pro Amigu

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    O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

    Taka vec ako uvolnit to free, toho blba zrejme nikdy nenapadlo. Co uz, kto ma nove konzole si zahra a na Amige budeme drvit ine pecky. Asi si dam RoadKill, tie zvuky su bozi..
    A1260 34MB Ram SCSI; A600 Furia EC020; A500; A500+; CDTV; A3000;


      O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

      Ja to chapu. Amigistu je tolik, ze by to mohlo ohrozit prodeje na nove konzole ...


        O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

        With reviews such as “this game is fantastic – 94%” (CU Amiga), “quite simply the best – 91%” (Amiga Power) and “just about perfect – 90%” (Amiga Format), there can be no doubting this game’s proven pedigree.


          O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

          A když mu pošlu pár disket z vlastní sbírky, pomůže to?


            O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

            No to by musely být diskety s kompletním Putty Squadem
            "Co dělají dneska amigisti? Chlastaj pivo a hrají do zblbnutí Turricana.." (Prober, 30. leden 2025)


              O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

              Ono je to cele divne, protoze jsem nekde (asi AW.net) cetl odpoved od clovicka co to pred XX lety recenzoval pro casopis a ten se dusoval, ze meli jak 1 disketovou demo verzi z ktere tipali obrazky, tak i kompletni nebo na 99% kompletni verzi na dve diskety a dokonce tam snad zminoval i install na hardisk. Takze ta kompletni hra by skutecne existovat nekde mela. On ji ale podle vseho nema k dispozici.

              Mimochodem jeste podotknul ze mu lezi na hardisku hra Pizza Tycoon od Microprose (nikdy nevydana anglicka verze hry Pizza Connection od Software 2000)


                O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

                Lachtan (Martin Kalivoda) Putty Squad recenzoval v Levelu a na fóru oldcomp přiznal, že měl jen demoverzi.
                I love Amiga


                  O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

                  Hmm, uzasna reakce. Dal jsem si tu praci vyhledat dany text, bylo to z EAB, a redaktor ktereho jsem mel na mysli je Matt Broughton z casopisu The One.
                  Nechci tady zlehcovat vyznam casopisu Level, ale kdybych vydaval v roce 93/94 hru pro Amigu, a mohl poslat do CR na recenzi demo misto plne hry, tak to taky udelam

                  Needless to say it was long enough ago that I could be wrong on some of this, but as far as remember it was complete, and If it wasn't complete it was certainly pretty much there. I can for SURE we didn't review the demo as I know I had personally played te demo to death and remember very clearly being excited when we got the new disks and loaded up new content! I certainly don't remember it being a 'bits and pieces' review - which we sometimes had to do where the code came to us split up across disks and with very little polish in the way of menus, etc. so I think it was at least a near-finished version.
                  I remember it being very good, very professionally put together, loading and flowing well etc etc.
                  Disk-wise, again it's a little hazy but my immediate thought is it was on two floppies, but I think we actually had it installed on an A1200 hard disk as we were just starting at that time to get more games that was possible with (I think I still have one of the only versions on Microprose Pizza Tycoon sitting on my A1200!)
                  So, basically I think what you're saying is correct: it was a finished master we reviewed from (or VERY close to it) and yes, I think it was on two floppies.
                  I could look too closely at the forum as on my phone right now, but someone was suggesting the reason they thought the review was from the demo. There's a very good chance that they are right in that the screenshots COULD have been from the demo. Back then screengrabbing wasn't the breeze it is today, and sometimes we would do some grabbing for the assets we already had (ie preview code or demo code) and as long as the final game hadn't changed drastically we would use that for print. Especially if the game and in quite close to deadline and we wanted to spend as much time playing the game rather than grabbing and converting and editing (which was severe ball ache back in the day!)
                  Hope that's of use/interest.
                  Out on interest, why does anyone still care about this?
                  Matt B


                    O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

                    Mimochodem recenze z Amiga Computing 79 (listopad '94) take jasne hovori o dvou diskove verzi.


                      O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

                      Nechápu, proč reaguješ na můj příspěvek tak ironicky. Jen jsem naspal, jak to bylo s recenzí u nás. Je to sice hezké, že měl někdo k dispozici 2-disketovou téměř finální verzi k dispozici, ale to bohužel nezmění nic na tom, že ji nikdy neuvidíme. To je na tom nejsmutnější.
                      I love Amiga


                        O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

                        Já myslel že je problém s disketama, ne s obsahem


                          O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

                          Autorem citovaného textu je Solaris104 Přejít na původní příspěvek
                          Nechápu, proč reaguješ na můj příspěvek tak ironicky.
                          No taky si začínám všímat, že Exie začíná nahrazovat svojím přístupem Chaina. Čím dál tím víc arogance, ironie, povyšování. A takový hodný kluk to byl


                            O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

                            Já upadnu naznak LOL!

                            Dear Amiga fans of Putty Squad

                            Further to our previous statement about Putty Squad for the Amiga, we’re pleased to bring you an update on where we are with the project.

                            We have provided the source code and mastering files to members of the Amiga community who are hard at work on them.

                            The objective is to produce an ADF file which will be available to download from our website this side of Christmas to to allow the game to be played on the Amiga 1200 or on Amiga emulators. We intend to allow the game to be written to a floppy disk so that people who still have a traditional old Amiga with floppy disk will also be able to enjoy the game.

                            We are doing everything that we can to make this happen but as you can appreciate it is not entirely in our control how quickly this is achieved. However, please be assured that our objective is to give the game back to the Amiga community, for free, as soon as possible.


                            John Twiddy
                            System 3
                            "Co dělají dneska amigisti? Chlastaj pivo a hrají do zblbnutí Turricana.." (Prober, 30. leden 2025)


                              O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

                              Doufejme, že to není nějaký fake. John Twiddy je uvedený jako kodér Putty Squad u Amiga verze. Jestli to opravdu vyjde, tak to bude pecka.
                              I love Amiga


                                O: Putty Squad pro Amigu

                                Members of the Amiga community. Asi nějací Vesmírní lidé, protože o tom nikdo nic neví.
                                "Co dělají dneska amigisti? Chlastaj pivo a hrají do zblbnutí Turricana.." (Prober, 30. leden 2025)

