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Putty Squad - Amiga version (xmas gift from system 3)
O: Putty Squad - Amiga version (xmas gift from system 3)
During a Retro Gamer interview in 2013, Mark Cale/System 3 announced that the Amiga version of Putty Squad was finally going to be released. The Amiga community was excited, but hopes were dashed when the project was cancelled due to System 3 not being able to master the game. But a Facebook announcement changed everything as System 3 announced that they were in fact working with certain members of the Amiga community to master the game. Amiga forums were flooded with posts from people wondering who the mysterious programmer was that was saving the Amiga's longest awaited game. The secret can finally be revealed. The programmer was Galahad!Panda Libor
O: Putty Squad - Amiga version (xmas gift from system 3)
Se nějak roztrhl pytel s Putty Squad, ale to se mi líbí, právě mi dorazil MB po recapu, (díky Starej_Mrafe), tak se do toho asi hned pustím, jen co ji složím dokupy.Amiga 600, Fúria EC020 OS, eX601, Indivision ECS, IDE Laylines, Amiga 1200, PiStorm32 Lite, PBook 1.67GHz, MOS 3.18, iBOOK G4, 1.2GHz, MOS3.18,,Asus UX433FA, MX-23.4 Libretto
O: Putty Squad - Amiga version (xmas gift from system 3)
Probere, link na stažení Putty Squadu odjinud než ze stránek Systemu 3 je porušení podmínek za jakých to bylo uvolněno, abychom byli korektní. Portál mě nechce nechat přihlásit, chtěl jsem ti to napsat do commentu rovnou tam."Co dělají dneska amigisti? Chlastaj pivo a hrají do zblbnutí Turricana.." (Prober, 30. leden 2025)