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Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

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    O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

    neni to nejaka konkurence, ale dalsi mozny ze smeru vyvoje
    Umřít v nejlepším umí málokdo. Dokázala to jen Amiga a Šlacha.


      O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

      MNT2000 v rychlosti a ovladačích dost pokulhává, snad to bude tentokrát lepší.
      A500, A500+, Amiga 600HD/ACA630, A600 V2-Apollo 68080, Amiga 1200/Blizz1230/50, CD32, A3000, A4000/060, Minimig, Powerbook G4 17" MorphOS, SAM460cr AmigaOS4 God is great!


        O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

        Napad je to pekny, ale podpora softwaru bude zasadni (nejenom ARM CPU, ale i zakladni ovladace GFX, LAN etc.). Vampire ma docela pocetnou komunitu uzivatelu, ale aplikace primo pro "68080" prakticky nikdo nedela.


          O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

          Hi Leute,

          und hier ist die 1.9.0 Beta 2:

          Diesmal gibt es gleich noch 3 neue Überraschungen:
          - 15 Bit Modus für ShapeShifter
          - 1280x1024 Version der Firmware
          - 2MB Zorro 2 Version der Firmware

          Es gibt jetzt also gleich 5 Firmware-Versionen. Aber keine Angst, alle sind im gleichen Paket und ein Batch- bzw Bash-Script hilft euch bei der Auswahl:

          1. Amiga 3/4000, 32MB VRAM, 1280x720/1024x768
          2. Amiga 3/4000, 32MB VRAM, 1280x1024
          3. Amiga 2000, 4MB VRAM, 1280x720/1024x768
          4. Amiga 2000, 4MB VRAM, 1280x1024
          5. Amiga 2000, 2MB VRAM, 1280x720/1024x768

          Ich habe damit bereits Photoshop, MS Excel und Emagic Logic unter ShapeShifter mit 15 Bit und 1280x1024 getestet.

          Viel Spaß!

          Lukas / mntmn

          shapeshifter running MacOS 7.6.1 in 1280x1024 15-bit color on VA2000 1.9.0 special edition

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            O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000


            After making the money transfer in december 2016 and signing the software acquisition agreement on January 30th, 2017, we have bought the P96 RTG software from Tobias Abt and Alexander Kneer. A prior license agreement with Hyperion entertainment for use of P96 in OS4.1 is part of the agreement, and will of course be continued under ownership of iComp. There is no other license agreement with any other party besides this.
            In the following months, we have cleaned up the source code and made small improvements to the software. Over the course of development of OS 3.1.4, further improvements have been made, which we are now offering as a download product. Please log in to your member account to also view download products in the shop.

            While the authors Tobias Abt and Alexander Kneer have only given access to the API for graphics cards to paying customers after signing a non-disclosure agreement, we are now documenting the API for free for anyone in our Wiki. We'd like to support community projects like the VA2000 graphics card with this, but also take other drivers out of a legal grey zone that resulted from the previous licensing model that Abt and Kneer have chosen. By publishing the hardware manufacturer's API, we are delivering on a promise that we've made even before purchasing this software package.

            Unfortunately, there is a market actor that claims to have a perpetual license for P96, without having any written proof for this claim. We were even summoned to not advertise what the agreement clearly says: iComp GmbH is the only legal source for a P96 software registration. We believe that a claim of a software product or bundle containing a "registered version" of P96 is false advertising.
            The legal status of the shareware archive of P96, which has been available on Aminet for years is not changed: It stays legal to distribute this archive free of charge.

            This download product is the first to use a new pricing model in our shop system: "Pay what you want". As opposed to other fields where this model is used (for example in selected restaurants), we have set a lowest price, as otherwise the administrative cost would be higher than the chosen price. We are hoping for the fairness of Amiga users to register each installation of P96. This is targeting especially the users of emulators, PCI bus boards and new FPGA graphics cards, which would be almost useless without P96.
            Naposledy upravil Predseda; 23.12.2018, 02:12:10.
            "Co dělají dneska amigisti? Chlastaj pivo a hrají do zblbnutí Turricana.." (Prober, 30. leden 2025)


              O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

              Uz se to blizi


                O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

                after a number of mind-numbing detail checks and fixes, MNT ZZ9000 rev. d-1 is now finally off to the board house


                  O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

                  Proc je ta karta "rozdelena" na dve casti vlastne?
                  Amiga 1200 + Blizzard 1260 + 64 MB RAM + CF2IDE + Indivision AGA Mk1 + PCMCIA2CF + WHDLoad registered + GOTEK


                    O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

                    Autorem citovaného textu je davesade Přejít na původní příspěvek
                    Proc je ta karta "rozdelena" na dve casti vlastne?
                    predpokladam aby to slo "ulomit" a pouzit i v deskach kde ten video slot neni?


                      O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

                      Duvodem je Amiga 2000 - kde je videoslot separatne.

                      Stejne se to pouziva i u Picasso IV

                      "If the Picasso IV is intended for use in an A2000, the flicker fixer can actually be "snapped" from the card and joined to it by a ribbon cable. This is because the A2000 does not have an inline video slot, like other models."


                        O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

                        Autorem citovaného textu je k0x Přejít na původní příspěvek
                        Duvodem je Amiga 2000 - kde je videoslot separatne.

                        Stejne se to pouziva i u Picasso IV

                        "If the Picasso IV is intended for use in an A2000, the flicker fixer can actually be "snapped" from the card and joined to it by a ribbon cable. This is because the A2000 does not have an inline video slot, like other models."
                        Netusim jak takhle karta, ale treba CV643D (ktera mela tu "desticku" rovnou oddelenou) podporuje take ruzne Zorro2 sloty, kde vedle je napr PCI slot atd takze by tam ten konektor pro videoslot prekazel. Nemluve o tom ze pro Picasso ani CV643D neni ta funkce scandoubleru nutnosti k tomu aby ti ta karta fungovala ciste jako RTG...
                        Naposledy upravil ExiE; 03.05.2019, 12:40:31.


                          O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

                          Prototypove PCB


                            O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

                            prvni osazena karta

                            Klikni pro plné zobrazení obrázku

Jméno: D6KKxrFWwAAiSXN.jpg
Počet zobrazení: 1
Velikost: 111,6 KB
ID: 110444

                            predobjednavky bratru za EUR 299
                            Naposledy upravil ExiE; 12.05.2019, 20:55:53.


                              O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

                              Its alive!


                                O: Amiga 2000 (ZII) grafárna postavená na Spartanu 6 - VA2000

                                Už má lepší obraz...

                                http://jack.untergrund.net [AMIGA 600 AMIGA 1200 AMIGA 1200T AMIGA 2000 AMIGA 4000 AMIGA 4000T CD32 Mac mini G4]

