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FreeMiNT for Amiga

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    Software 68k FreeMiNT for Amiga

    ehmmm - nevim jak to poradne popsat - Atari nikdy nebylo mym konickem

    Proste to chapu tak ze nejaky derivat Atari OS lze spustit na Amiga HW a vypada to takto:

    Klikni pro plné zobrazení obrázku

Jméno: attachment.png
Počet zobrazení: 1
Velikost: 15,2 KB
ID: 113090

    Dokonce to nekdo otestoval na realne A1000

    Linkna puvodni message a naslednou diskuzi na atariforge.org


    I'm proud to announce that FreeMiNT and XaAES now work on Amiga
    See WinUAE screenshot.
    It is the result of my recent patches for FreeMiNT on non-Atari hardware.


    1) You need EmuTOS for Amiga. Snapshot >= 20160606. Release 0.9.6 is not enough.
    Free, secure and fast downloads from the largest Open Source applications and software directory - SourceForge.net

    2) Only WinUAE is currently tested. No tests on read hardware yet, because
    EmuTOS for Amiga is currently provided in the form of ROM only. Without
    replacing the physical ROM, it is only usable on A1000 (as it loads the ROM
    from floppy) or A1200 with a Blizzard accelerator board (can load a
    temporary ROM from hard disk).

    3) No need for special FreeMiNT binaries. Get the official mint030.prg from
    current freemint.org trunk archive, put it on IDE hard disk and configure it
    just as usual. Then it works

    4) Memory protection is not supported. I'm not sure of what happens if it is
    enabled (maybe by default). So be sure to disable it. Further patch will be
    required to disable it by default, if it is not already the case.

    5) EmuTOS for Amiga only supports ST-High video mode on Amiga, and it is
    ugly. *But* I have almost completed an fVDI driver for WinUAE. It does not
    work on real hardware, but it can take advantage of WinUAE extended 16-bit
    video modes, with full acceleration. Stay tuned.

    6) The TosWin2 windows remain white. There is probably a bug related to
    monochrome modes, unrelated to Amiga. We will have to investigate that.

    7) Currently, I have only tested mint030.prg, but variants for other CPUs
    should work equally well. I will test them carefully.


    O: FreeMiNT for Amiga

    fuy, virus
    "Co dělají dneska amigisti? Chlastaj pivo a hrají do zblbnutí Turricana.." (Prober, 30. leden 2025)


      O: FreeMiNT for Amiga

      Autorem citovaného textu je Predseda Přejít na původní příspěvek
      fuy, virus
      me spis zaujalo, ze Ataristi uz maji pro 68k memory protection a nam to nefunguje ani v OS4...


        O: FreeMiNT for Amiga

        Špína, fuj! Atari na kari!
        Amiga 1200 + Blizzard 1260 + 64 MB RAM + CF2IDE + Indivision AGA Mk1 + PCMCIA2CF + WHDLoad registered + GOTEK


          O: FreeMiNT for Amiga

          Něco mi říká, že jsme se na klasické Amize obešli bez memory protection celkem dlouho... . Ta chyba bude asi fakt v tom Matrixu
          OS4 jde mimo mne a Atari memory protection na 68k asi potřebovalo - amatéři. Jen můj pohled v rozmezí selského rozumu se špetkou mého klasického humoru.
          Amiga - PMD 85


            O: FreeMiNT for Amiga

            kultovního humoru
            Ooou nly a mííííí gáááááááá, mejks it pááá si bžžžžžžžž ♫♫♫


              O: FreeMiNT for Amiga

              Virus se zacina rozmahat koukam...


                O: FreeMiNT for Amiga


                  O: FreeMiNT for Amiga

                  Tenhle virus se nam zacina slusne vyvijet

                  Uz to bezi i na Vampire...

                  Klikni pro plné zobrazení obrázku

Jméno: 16142481_1429351790428731_6283405038789804800_n.jpg
Počet zobrazení: 1
Velikost: 67,0 KB
ID: 109105

                  Staci bootnout z diskety a voila.

                  Na LicoKniga strankach emutos vidim mnozstvi ceskych jmen - zrejme Ataristi


                    O: FreeMiNT for Amiga

                    To je krása....
                    A500,2xA500+(020),A600,CDTV,CD32,4xA1200(030),A400 0(040),komplet ATARI 8/16/32/64-bit,Didaktik192,Maťo,SharpMZ800,4xC64,C128

