Autori Picasso 96 Alexander Kneer and Tobias Abt prodali cele IP firmam Hyperion Computer Entertainment a Individual Computers GmbH, kteri se ted o prava deli.. .Hyperion i Individual Computers pry puvodni autory ujistili, ze budou pokracovat jak v podpore 68k Amig tak samozrejme i next gen, kde je Picasso96 zaintegrovano do OS4.x.
A vyjadtreni Jense Schoenfelda:
This has reached the public sooner than intended - we're not yet ready with a press release and the infrastructure of the shop system required for what I am planning: Sales of a slightly improved version on a pay-what-you-want basis.
Grond's point has been made a lot of times, and we're well aware that we can't change the status of the existing archives out there: It's shareware, and redistribution of this shareware is allowed. No need for panic-downloads
Further, I will open up the API of P96 for free. Tobias&Alexander's model of "two sources of income" (one from shareware fees and the other from paid API support) didn't work out. The UAE driver was used many times to reverse the API, and it was not clear if this was fully legal, as the UAE driver has put parts of the closed-source API under GPL. I really don't want to start yet another discussion about "was it legal or not" and "is it legal to use this information". As a result of past discussions, the best we can agree on is that it's a legal grey zone, as all sides have valid points.
I will end this legal grey zone by opening the API in my tech Wiki ( This will allow hobby-projects to write drivers with full 2D acceleration support. VA2000 and Vampire can already be considered "taken out of this legal grey zone" with this announcement. Just give me some time to make the Wiki page.
A vyjadtreni Jense Schoenfelda:
This has reached the public sooner than intended - we're not yet ready with a press release and the infrastructure of the shop system required for what I am planning: Sales of a slightly improved version on a pay-what-you-want basis.
Grond's point has been made a lot of times, and we're well aware that we can't change the status of the existing archives out there: It's shareware, and redistribution of this shareware is allowed. No need for panic-downloads

Further, I will open up the API of P96 for free. Tobias&Alexander's model of "two sources of income" (one from shareware fees and the other from paid API support) didn't work out. The UAE driver was used many times to reverse the API, and it was not clear if this was fully legal, as the UAE driver has put parts of the closed-source API under GPL. I really don't want to start yet another discussion about "was it legal or not" and "is it legal to use this information". As a result of past discussions, the best we can agree on is that it's a legal grey zone, as all sides have valid points.
I will end this legal grey zone by opening the API in my tech Wiki ( This will allow hobby-projects to write drivers with full 2D acceleration support. VA2000 and Vampire can already be considered "taken out of this legal grey zone" with this announcement. Just give me some time to make the Wiki page.