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IBrowse 2.5 a 3.x

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    IBrowse 2.5.6 - sesta aktualizace zdarma dostupna pro majitele prohlizece IBrowse 2.5
    Nejzajimavejsi opravou je opetovne zprovozneni Gmailu.
    Pozor: IBrowse 2.5.6 vyzaduje AmiSSL v5, ktere bylo vydano take dnes.
    Oboji ke strazeni zde https://www.ibrowse-dev.net nebo pres AmiUpdate.

    Seznam zmen:
    • Adapted to fully use OpenSSL 3.0, via AmiSSL v5
    • HTTP Brotli compression support
    • OpenSearch autodiscovery support
    • Gemini client, allowing loading of gemini: URLs
    • Improved Gopher support
    • JavaScript fixes and improvements
    • Google/Gmail account login fixed (became blocked in March)

    See the https://www.ibrowse-dev.net/2.5/history.php for the full list of changes.
    Naposledy upravil ExiE; 22.05.2022, 21:06:58.


      IBrowse 2.5.7 (2.5.7a) - sedma drobnejsi zdarma dostupna aktualizace

      Seznam zmen 2.5.7:
      • Reworked Brotli huffman decoder to avoid triggering a bug on the 68060 processor, which prevented pages from loading
      • Tweaks to the loading of external modules
      • JavaScript improvements
      • Switched to GCC 11, with all warnings enabled, which identified numerous previously unknown bugs which have now been fixed
      • Hundreds of minor internal changes
      Seznam zmen 2.5.7a:
      • Fixed major bug in the updated lock relative i/o code
      • JS: Fixed boolean return values from host

      See https://www.ibrowse-dev.net/2.5/history.php for the full unedited list of changes.

      Edit: Vypada to, ze se objevili nejake dalsi problemy, takze muzeme brzo cekat dalsi verzi...


        Vám to jde stáhnout? Protože u mě to pořád hází error "The requested URL was not found on this server."
        Amiga 1200, Micronik Mini-Tower, PiStorm32 Lite (Rasberry Pi 4B), FastATA 1200 MK-IV, Lyra 2, Indivision AGA MK3, ZIP 250MB, HP LaserJet 1100, interní HD mechanika (EXA), 3x extérní DD mechanika, LinkSys EC10T​


          taky nejde
          pařba a flink chtěj celýho člověka...


            U mně dobrý
            Amiga 600, Fúria EC020 OS, eX601, Indivision ECS, IDE Laylines, Amiga 1200, PiStorm32 Lite, PBook 1.67GHz, MOS 3.18, iBOOK G4, 1.2GHz, MOS3.18,,Asus UX433FA, MX-23.4 Libretto


              Aha, u mně už taky. Tak asi nějaká chyba v síti
              Amiga 1200, Micronik Mini-Tower, PiStorm32 Lite (Rasberry Pi 4B), FastATA 1200 MK-IV, Lyra 2, Indivision AGA MK3, ZIP 250MB, HP LaserJet 1100, interní HD mechanika (EXA), 3x extérní DD mechanika, LinkSys EC10T​


                IBrowse 2.5.8 Released
                • Unescape the URL before showing it in the popup bubble when the mouse is over links
                • Fixed crash that occurs if the info window failed to allocate memory when updating the URL
                • Fixed crash that can happen when specifying a non-existent filename on the command line when starting from the shell
                • OS4: Reversed the protocol and codec modules file lock change in 25.108, unless at least elf.library 53.35 is detected, due to a relocation issue in older versions
                • Fixed Gemini support which stopped working in 25.108
                • Include updated Greek catalogs from Aminet
                IBrowse 2.5.8 vyzaduje minimalne AmiSSL 5.5, nebo muzete nainstalovat nove vydane AmiSSL 5.6


                  IBrowse 2.5.9 Released

                  Free bugfix update for registered users.
                  Be sure to also download and install AmiSSL 5.12 first, as IBrowse 2.5.9 requires it.
                  • Fixed the disk cache, which became broken in 25.109
                  • Now requires AmiSSL 5.12 for secure connections
                  • Added workaround for AmigaOS 4.x Installer versions 53.1-53.7 which were unfortunately broken, with 53.2 being on the 4.1FE CD-ROM
                  • Copyright year bumped to 2023

                  Both can be downloaded from http://www.ibrowse-dev.net/download.php


                    Nikdy jsem nepochopil jak jako skoro jedniná platforma máme plně funkční SSL, ale nemáme

                    1) Funkční SSH client (má ho i Mac s 030kou)
                    2) Browser s CSS (NetSurf nepočítám, stačli by něco na úroveň IE 3.0/NetScape 4.0)
                    Amiga 4000T (060, PPC, Mediator) | Amiga 1200T (Apollo 1240) | Amiga 1200T (Apollo 1260, Mediator) | Amiga 1200 (TF1260) a pár dalších A1200 ...


                      IBrowse 3.0 Released

                      New features and changes:
                      • IBrowse 2 and IBrowse 3 Unification (both branches merged to one)
                      • New Reimagined HTML Parser
                      • Improved HTML Engine
                      • Hotlist Multi-aliasing
                      • Early Data / Zero Round Trip Time Resumption (0-RTT)
                      • Better GIF Animation Playback
                      • AmigaOS 3.2 Context Sensitive Mouse Pointers
                      • NList GUI Consistency
                      • Preferences window improved
                      • Decompression and Image Decoding Libraries Upgraded
                      • Space Saving

                      IBrowse 3.0 What's new

                      Na update z predchozich verzi nebo zakoupeni nyni 30 % sleva (majitele 2.5 68k/PPC verze to maji zdarma)



                        Prosim prejmenovat vlakno na IBrowse 3.0 (drive IBrowse 2.5)


                          Přikládám dva obrázky z amigy, jeden z PALu Hi-Res 256 barvách, druhý přes grafickou kartu v 800×600 v 24bitových barvách.
                          Přiložené soubory
                          Amiga OCS, ECS, AGA, CGX, PPC
                          Líbí se mi Retropolis


                            No tak teď už si to snad i koupím...
                            "Co dělají dneska amigisti? Chlastaj pivo a hrají do zblbnutí Turricana.." (Prober, 30. leden 2025)


                              Sa stalo 😁

                              Už dlhšiu dobu som chcel, ale bolo to veľa za Browser čo nevie CSS.
                              Teraz prišiel so zľavou, tak ju využijem a aj podporím AmiSSL. 👍
                              Powerbook G4 A1138,MOS 3.18,OSX Tiger + LubuntuPPC 16.04
                              Mkr.Tower Inf.II,Amiga 1200,BPPC603e+/210MHz/060/50MHz,256MB Ram,BVision, SCSI 2.5" 80GB,AOS3.2,MOS,AOS4.1FE
                              E/Box Tower,Amiga 1200,Blizzard 1260/50MHz,128MB Ram,Mediator 1200TX,Voodoo 3 2000,SB128,Fast ETH,CF 8GB,AOS3.9
                              Amiga 600,X601,Furia EC020,SMC PCMCIA WiFi Network Card
                              AmigaCD32 + TF330 64MB RAM

                              registered on https://amigamap.com/amiga-slovak_republic.html
                              live on https://live.amigamap.com


                                IBrowse 3.0a is now available for download

                                This small update fixes some things, most importantly the bug in the HTTP(S) module that was ultimately responsible for probably all of the crashes reported so far. Due to it trashing memory, it could affect any other application too, so it is important to update to the new version asap. The installer will do all the work without losing any of your existing settings.

                                AmiSSL 5.13 was also released yesterday, but this time IBrowse 3.0a will still work with AmiSSL 5.12 as well. AmiSSL 5.13 brings OpenSSL 3.2 to AmigaOS for the first time.​

