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Vampire V4

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    Vampire V4

    Zprava o stavu Vampire V4 a duvody zdrzeni... plus par dalsich drobnosti

    Ve zkratce pro neanglictinare, neocekavane zdrzeni V4 zpusobil vyvojarum velky problem s casovanim chipsetu A500, dokonce dosli az k radikalnimu nazoru, ze je jednodussi porozumet zene nez A500. Problem se nakonec rozhodli vyresit prepsanim nekterych zakladnich casti Core.

    originalni zneni:

    Vampire V4
    As said in previous activity report, team is late with the Vampire V4. We want it to be perfect and have been very busy on it during past months to bring a super product to the Amiga community. To be fully transparent, we have been busy scratching our heads because of a single *ç&%&ç%&”*ç bug. Really. Hundreds of hours have been spent on it to determine why the heck the Vampire V4 does work well on some Amiga 500 boards and not on others (despite same chips revisions).
    Team measured everything that could be measured (if you mind, majsta has the biggest thing we could measure) and crosschecked with all Altera manuals, and could not find a single hardware issue.

    Finally, decision had to be taken to rewrite some important part of the core to figure out what the problem was, and believe us, the Amiga 500 is a real timing inferno. Most of us agrees that understanding women is easier than talking to an Amiga 500 chipset.

    So nothing is canceled, plans have just shifted a bit in time. Team will soon show more about the Vampire V4.

    Work on GOLD3 has been resumed and it works better and better with every new core revision. We still need to polish it a bit by dumping copper lists and fix what should be then start work on the AGA/RTG switch mechanism. YouTube and forums will pretty soon be flooded with new videos of AGA games running on our beloved OCS/ECS Amigas.

    O: Vampire V4

    Tu je nové video s prototypom Vampire V4, skúšaným na A2000 (rev.6.x) a A500 (rev.5). Vyzerá, že V4 už má Beta verziu jadra GOLD 3, zatiaľ s cca. 126 MB Fast RAM a o niečo rýchlejším jadrom ako je nepísaný štandard (x11).


      O: Vampire V4

      Nove hlaseni o vyvoji Vampire V4

      ve zkratce, problemy s fungovanim v ruznych A500 byl konecne vyresen. Ted se intenzivne testuje. Mezitim dalsi vyvojari pracovali na vylepsovani/zrychlovani sitovych ovladacu SDNet a ExpNetV2 (napriklad funkcnost netu v ShapeShfiteru), dalsim zrychlovani emulatoru GnGeo a vylepsobani STonAmiga.

      BigGun oznamil, ze GOLD3 bude hotove v lete 2018.

      Vampire V4
      If your remember last Activity Report from May, we had to admit we were struggling on a bug we weren’t able to locate the source and this for weeks and weeks. During the night of 2nd of June, ceaich and BigGun finally found the reason and fixed it, definitively. Hurray !

      Some team members were during that particular evening attending the OufParty 5 in Martigny (Switzerland). When they got the information, they instantly left the dinnertable, leaving creamy raclette and fresh white wine alone to teleport themself in front of their Vampire V4 developer boards to test that freshly baked core : for the first time ever since Neuss, the Vampire V4 worked perfectly on every Amiga 500 mainboard tested. I won’t comment what came next, mostly because I’m missing part of it and because it was mainly made from alcohol and cigars (which might explain why I’m missing those parts).

      So from now, our next step is now to send Vampire V4 cards to all testers in team to go forward on finalizing the product before releasing it on the market.

      Those final steps will require some time but we can now see the light out of the tunnel.

      I wanted to put software as second topic of this activity report because we also got some nice development in the Apollo Team cavern :
      - Bax is working as always as a shaolin monk on the driver side. New SDNet and ExpNetV2 should bring new features like multicasting/SANA-II (letting you use network within ShapeShifter), while improving performance and reliability.
      - Nonarkitten is working on GnGeo and is squeezing every single FPS she can out from it
      - Inflammasome is working on improving his STonAmiga software

      BigGun announced GOLD3 for Vampire cards for this summer. We are all pretty confident that our AGA will be really super and every day core is being improved with new fixes to let us play more and more games.

      It’s actually difficult to describe how good it feels when an AGA games runs perfectly on an OCS/ECS Amiga but each us might remember in the days how frustrating it was not being able to run them on our « Denised » miggies. This time is soon over.


        O: Vampire V4

        Naposledy upravil k0x; 16.07.2018, 13:19:50.


          O: Vampire V4

          Vampire V4 se dostava mezi prvni uzivatele:

          Klikni pro plné zobrazení obrázku

Jméno: 68A50A80-0034-435E-B53E-E317072F454A.jpg
Počet zobrazení: 1
Velikost: 65,0 KB
ID: 109990


            O: Vampire V4


              O: Vampire V4


                O: Vampire V4

                Testovačka V4 s FIDOvou Enforce 0.2


                  O: Vampire V4

                  "Co dělají dneska amigisti? Chlastaj pivo a hrají do zblbnutí Turricana.." (Prober, 30. leden 2025)


                    O: Vampire V4

                    Naposledy upravil k0x; 28.10.2018, 21:47:08.


                      O: Vampire V4

                      Přihlaste se k Facebooku, abyste mohli začít spojovat s přáteli, rodinou a lidmi, které znáte, a sdílet s nimi obsah.

                      Naposledy upravil Chain; 30.10.2018, 21:02:53.
                      Umřít v nejlepším umí málokdo. Dokázala to jen Amiga a Šlacha.


                        O: Vampire V4

                        uz se to peče
                        A1200, Vampire V1200, 64GB CF, IndyAGA MK3, PCMCIA WiFi, 27" LCD


                          O: Vampire V4

                          Klikni pro plné zobrazení obrázku

Jméno: vampv3.JPG
Počet zobrazení: 1
Velikost: 74,2 KB
ID: 110095


                            O: Vampire V4

                            Obrázek je pojmenovn vampv3.jpg
                            Amiga 600, Fúria EC020 OS, eX601, Indivision ECS, IDE Laylines, Amiga 1200, PiStorm32 Lite, PBook 1.67GHz, MOS 3.18, iBOOK G4, 1.2GHz, MOS3.18,,Asus UX433FA, MX-23.4 Libretto


                              O: Vampire V4

                              No hlavně je to natisknuté na těch PCB, že.
                              "Co dělají dneska amigisti? Chlastaj pivo a hrají do zblbnutí Turricana.." (Prober, 30. leden 2025)

