Full FPU for Amiga 1200
The V1200 will have much of the same specifications as the V500 V2+ got. But the card will also have some extra features such as HDMI amplifier, RTC port, 2 Expansion ports, 64KB Dcache and a Full FPU. This means you can run 68k FPU heavy needed apps and games.
So with this you might think that V1200 will cost a lot more than V500 V2+. But Gunnar revealed that it will cost about 50 Euros more than the V500 V2+ he wrote to Amitopia Amiga Magazine when asked on IRC.
Once we have the card in our hands. We will reveal it for you. Vampire brings Classic Amigas to next level.
Amiga 600, Fúria EC020 OS, eX601, Indivision ECS, IDE Laylines, PBook 1.67GHz, MOS 3.18, iBOOK G4, 1.2GHz, MOS3.18, Asus UX433FA, MX-23.4 Libretto
Full FPU for Amiga 1200
The V1200 will have much of the same specifications as the V500 V2+ got. But the card will also have some extra features such as HDMI amplifier, RTC port, 2 Expansion ports, 64KB Dcache and a Full FPU. This means you can run 68k FPU heavy needed apps and games.
So with this you might think that V1200 will cost a lot more than V500 V2+. But Gunnar revealed that it will cost about 50 Euros more than the V500 V2+ he wrote to Amitopia Amiga Magazine when asked on IRC.
Once we have the card in our hands. We will reveal it for you. Vampire brings Classic Amigas to next level.
Takze podle mych odhadu jde o V2 verzi s core 2.x bez SAGA. Vychazim z toho ze kompletni core 3.x se do Cyclone 3 FPGA proste nevejde. Takze bud kompletni cipset nebo plnotucne FPU. Ve vysledku to znamena, ze pokud budete chtit pouzivat jeden moderni monitor, bude to chtit pro AGA mody scandoubler, RTG mody pujdou pres Vampira...
Nazor na Vampire resp Apollo core se s casem vyviji a prvotni nadseni uz u mnohych lidi vystridalo mirne vystrizliveni.
Kocour ma nazor, ktery neni uplne ojedinely, ale na druhou stranu, v leccem ma jack pravdu.
Kompatibilita 68080 je na vysoke urovni, nicmene zprvu chybejici fpu a nasledne porodni bolesti v implementaci maji lidi v pameti.
Gunnar nekolikrat jasne odmitl implementaci MMU a to je treba za mne velke minus. Linux, BSD - nogo.
Je otazka co s AmigaOS userbase udela dostupnost Vampire1200 respektive V4 standalone.
Uprimne cekal jsem ze V600 II a posleze V500 budou mit vetsi impakt. Cekal jsem vznik vetsiho mnozstvi sw, ktere dokaze ten hw potencial vyuzit, ale toho co vzniklo je velmi velmi malo. V1200 ma prijit za mirne vyssi cenu a uz se mluvi o nejakem omezeni diky velikosti FPGA. Vzhledem k tomu jak funguje Vampire akcelerator, kdy klaskcky Amiga hw je pouzivan jen jako napajec, housing, klavesnice, porty - vyvstava, alespon u mne, otazka - co jineho mi prinese Vampire 1200 versus 600? Keypad, a dale?
U standalone je to rohozdovani pro mne jeste horsi. Jednoucelova vec, na ktere mi bezi historicky OS, linux uz ne a navic prichazim o ten retro hw feeling - a to vse za nemalou cenu. Jasne, pro gejmry super, malinkate, rychle, podpora modernich periferii, ale mne uz se tady vkrada ta myslenka, proc pro tohle nevyuzit emulator, ktery funguje ve vysledku stejne a pouziju na nej hw ktery uz stejne mam.
Nevim kolik se Vampiru dosud prodalo, myslim ze jsem nekde zahlidl cislo blizici se 5 tis? A ted kolik vzniklo sw vyuzivajici jeho advanced features, je to 5-10 titulu?
Nove vznikajici sw pro pro klasicky AmigaOS je problem nejen Vampire ale obecne. Taky jsem pouzival Amigu jako daily comp, ale dnes je to uz o tom si realne rici, co jeste dava smysl respektive zda je to uzivatele jeste zabava. Web v roce 2000 a dnes, devatenact let pote jsou tak rozdilne veci, ze se neni cemu divit, kdyz na 25 let starem OS ztezi otevrete minimalisticky web jako je A i pokud bychom pouzili na 100% potencialu hw Vampire, tak tam budou stale tak velka ale, ze lidi radeji sahnou pro daily use po tabletu, mobilu nebo compu s OS poplatnym dobe. Je to tedy goal, ktery ma Apoollo core prinest, skutecne se ceka ze korespondenci v office365 bude vyrizovat z V4 standalone stroje?
Pomerne velky ohlas ziskal hardware od Cizara, tedy klasicky CPU board pro 500/1200/4000 s plnohodnotnym CPU doplnenym o moderni radic pameti a dalsi moderni perferie vcetne RTG implementovaneho v FPGA. Cizar dava velky duraz na sw, aktualne se usilovne pracuje na ovladacich, ovladacim software atd.. A tohle je pro mnoho lidi zajimave, klasicky akcelerator, zachovavajici ducha puvodniho hw, ale na nove technologii.
Prinosy Apollo teamu jsou nesporne, sam jsem Vampire 600 II podporil jeste v dobe vyvoje a prave pro 600vku mi to pripadne jako skoro dokonale reseni, ale konkretne pro mne uz mi dalsi varianty moc smysl nedavaji.
Ja snad jen dodam, ze podle planu by mely casem s nejvetsi pravdepodobnosti po V4 standalone nasledovat
Vampire V4 for Amiga Classic (to zahrnuje A500/600/1000/2000/CDTV)
Vampire V4 for Amiga 1200
podle me je skoda, ze pro A1200 rovnou neudelali V4 verzi, ale mozna tak doufaji ve vetsi prodeje V4 standalone (jen spekulace)
nicmene rozhodne nemuzu pres to vsechno souhlasit s Kocourem, Jack to shrnul celkem pekne
co se tyce softwaru, to ma jasne duvody (a ve velke zlepseni v dohledne dobe moc neverim)
68080 i dalsi casti v FPGA se porad vyviji, takze jsou mozne ruzne zmeny, ktere nemusi byt zpetne kompatibilni (tim nemyslim kompatibilni s puvodni 680x0 ale proste to co je tam navic se muze jeste menit a vyvijet a pokud to nekdo pouzije, hrozi ze to bude v budoucnu fungovat jinak)
dokumentace stoji za ...
podpora compileru vyssich jazyku je nulova
zustava asm a kolik vyvojaru kteri pisou vse v asm tu jeste je
tohle jde na vrub Gunnara, ktery je v nekterych vecech umanuty a tvrdohlavy a/nebo to proste neni trivialni ukol. Samozrejme cim vice hardwaru bude mezi uzivateli, tim je vetsi sance, ze se zacne objevovat i software...
BTW abych jim nekrivdil, stejne "blba" situace se tyka i vyvoje OS3.1.4, vyvojari jsou konzervy, takze budou radeji podporovat holou A500 (trosku prehanim, ale asi chapete co se snazim rict), nez aby OS vylepsovali smerem k vykonnejsim Amigam a pridavali featury, ktere budou vyzadovat vykonnejsi hardware...
BTW abych jim nekrivdil, stejne "blba" situace se tyka i vyvoje OS3.1.4, vyvojari jsou konzervy, takze budou radeji podporovat holou A500 (trosku prehanim, ale asi chapete co se snazim rict), nez aby OS vylepsovali smerem k vykonnejsim Amigam a pridavali featury, ktere budou vyzadovat vykonnejsi hardware...
A úplně stejně je to i s hrama. Všechno, co vychází, MUSÍ fungovat na OCS a to nejlépe na 1MB chip. AGA nepodporuje/nevyžaduje skoro nikdo, čest těm několika výjimkám.
Trochu tomu nahrává i to, že AMOS (což je nejjednodušší metoda, jak něco naprgat) je OCS only.
"Zítra začína PředPrasepárty." (DaMi, 5. duben 2024)
Last report didn’t reveal any explosive details but showed we were working quietly on some deep topics to make some more noise later on. This activity report should be a bit different, not as exciting as summer fireworks but more like a summer celebration band warming up under your bedroom window on Sunday morning. Like a fine-tuned orchestra, lots of instruments are coming together to make some wonderful music this summer.
Vampire V1200
Majsta finished the final Vampire 1200 V2 design (note the V2, we will detail it later) with some advice of Claude. Our previous and working prototype required quite some mechanical changes, since Majsta designed blindly without A1200 case for reference (seriously).
We thank Philippe Lang for providing one of his case to Majsta to test check mechanical form and function in an actual Amiga 1200 case. In parallel, Majsta was also sent an original Commodore A1200 case for test fitting. Everything is fine now.
A working Vampire 1200 prototype was shown at OufParty booting to Workbench successfully and running applications. It still needs some work to fully communicate with all chips available on the A1200 motherboard but it runs already quite stable. Next step for Majsta will be to order and solder some V1200 test boards for team so we can polish core accordingly and get a release candidate ready.
As AGA is already present in A1200, Vampire 1200 V2 will be shipped with a GOLD2.xx core branch for initial release. This will satisfy most users that still want to have native Amiga output enabled.
Regarding the “V2” numbering, simply put it means that the Vampire 1200 V2 is part of the current V500/V600 family.
Specifications of the final V1200 card will be:
- Cyclone 3 FPGA
- 1x Digital Video Out port
- 2x Expansion ports
- 1x microSD port
- 1x Fast IDE port
- 1x JTAG port
- 1x IDE/PWR/Reset pins (for tower users)
So yes, the fastest A1200 ever made will soon hit the market and we are aiming at a summer availability through your favorite resellers. I would just warn people about one thing: availability. We are totally aware that demand will be very high and our production speed won’t satisfy it. It won’t come as a surprise that this activity will impact V500 and V600 production for a while. I would advise people interested in purchasing V500 and V600 cards to act fast and declare interest with their resellers so they can forecast sales and receive a batch of V500 and V600’s for their orders.
Vampire V4
Vampire V4 and Apollo Team took a collection for Gunnar to fund the delivery of a large stash of energy drinks direct to his house. Well it looks like he drank a bunch of them since AGA has evolved *a lot* from the GOLD3 Alpha stage. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the folks who played games and sent us bug reports (big shout out to Prosonic who was main contributor outside the team).
AGA game compatibility is a paramount objective but keep in mind we are *not only* doing a 1:1 reimplementation of it, we are also improving it (as we are with every part of the chipset). As of today, we have most of AGA games working and only a small subset of them will require deeper attention.
Our SAGA development is going well and features:
- DDR memory support
- PIP (you could watch RiVA full color on a 4-color Workbench 1.3 screen) on both PAL and RTG
- Copper can now also control RTG screens
- PAMELA with 8 DMA channels, 8-16bit channels, 24Bit HiFi Mixing
- Overscan support
We are also super happy to have *the* Reshoot-R game working perfectly on our AGA. For the small story, Reshoot R on V4 debugging was done live at the OufParty in Martigny on a piece of cardboard.
GOLD2.xx core branch is still under active development. It is pretty obvious that future GOLD2.12 releases will match the V1200 release due to their shared use of the Cyclone 3 platform, thus all our Cyclone 3 products will receive ongoing improvements.
A reminder of planned changes:
- Mouse hotspot and editable hardware RTG sprite support (requires driver update)
- Auto-turtle mode when game is running in ChipRAM (improves game compatibility)
- 15-bit PC / 16-bit PC / 32-bit ARG and 32-bit BGR modes support (driver improvement)
- morelibspace command not required anymore for AfAOS users (saves a reboot)
- FastIDE also enabled on writes now
GOLD3 is also not forgotten as last year our GOLD3 Alpha for V2 accelerators brought proof of our ongoing work. GOLD3 development should be resumed as soon as we are happy enough with V4 progress and backport V4 changes to GOLD3. It actually makes no sense to backport things now since we are still improving AGA. Indeed, each day spent not developing V4 will delay all other topics.
Final words
Exciting moments are coming in the next weeks and we want to make sure we share every one of them with you. Regarding the price of the coming products, production cost of Vampire 1200 V2 will be a little higher (mainly due to acquiring the non-standard out of production A1200 connector) than the current V2 range. Due to this extra work anyone can understand the card could cost also a bit more too. But still, in V1200’s current development stage, any guess on price might still be wrong until we communicate recommended selling price to resellers. Any comments read on forums and website are *all* speculative and thus unconfirmed information. Also, when we say summer, don’t distort it to “July”: on this planet, July is a month and not a season.
Nutno dodat, že já už jsem se dávno ztratil v tom, co je V4, V2, V1200.
Repost z EAB (Vampire/Apollo team update):
Nutno dodat, že já už jsem se dávno ztratil v tom, co je V4, V2, V1200.
A pritom je to tak jednoduche
vsechno co je V2 – Vampire 600 V2, Vampire 500 V2(+) a Vampire 1200 V2 – pouziva FPGA Cyclone III
vsechno co bude V4 – V4 standalone, Vampire V4 for Amiga Classic, Vampire V4 for Amiga 1200 – pouziva vetsi FPGA Cyclone V (77k LE, 28 nm)
vsechno co je V2 – Vampire 600 V2, Vampire 500 V2(+) a Vampire 1200 V2 – pouziva FPGA Cyclone III
vsechno co bude V4 – V4 standalone, Vampire V4 for Amiga Classic, Vampire V4 for Amiga 1200 – pouziva vetsi FPGA Cyclone V (77k LE, 28 nm)
Dík. Ale kdo teda bude kupovat V1200 V2, když je v podstatě (v očekávání V4) zastaralý?
"Zítra začína PředPrasepárty." (DaMi, 5. duben 2024)
vsechno co je V2 – Vampire 600 V2, Vampire 500 V2(+) a Vampire 1200 V2 – pouziva FPGA Cyclone III
vsechno co bude V4 – V4 standalone, Vampire V4 for Amiga Classic, Vampire V4 for Amiga 1200 – pouziva vetsi FPGA Cyclone V (77k LE, 28 nm)
Takže Amiga classic je A500,A500+ a A600? Anebo jen A1000, QA2000, A3000 a A4000?
Amiga 600, Fúria EC020 OS, eX601, Indivision ECS, IDE Laylines, PBook 1.67GHz, MOS 3.18, iBOOK G4, 1.2GHz, MOS3.18, Asus UX433FA, MX-23.4 Libretto
Dík. Ale kdo teda bude kupovat V1200 V2, když je v podstatě (v očekávání V4) zastaralý?
on ten Vampire 1200 V4 bude asi o dost pozdeji a bude nejspis vyrazne drazsi...
moje osobni teorie je, ze kdyz mel pred sebou Gunnar jeste spoustu prace na SAGA a dalsim, tak si Majsta zacal hrat s Vampirem pro A1200 a prirozene vysel z puvodni verze Vampiru V2. s puvodnim FPGAcke atd. A dalo mu to vic prace nez cekal a kdyz ted tedy maji odladenou V2 verzi, tak ji chteji prodat no...
Takže Amiga classic je A500,A500+ a A600? Anebo jen A1000, QA2000, A3000 a A4000?
Vampire V4 for Amiga Classic bude urcen pro Amiga 1000/500/2000/CDTV a 600. Netusim jestli redukci bude potrebovat jen Amiga 600 nebo i dalsi modely jako treba CDTV
Snaha tvurcu bude tentokrat takova aby jedna karta sla pouzit vsude. A kdyz to tam nebude pasovat primo, tak bude potrebovat nejaka "redukce" rozumej adapter neco jako tu vyrabel bigmac do A2000 pro Vampire 500 V2