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Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

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    O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

    Mozna by si to zaslouzilo vlastni vlakno...
    Naposledy upravil ExiE; 02.05.2019, 20:58:48.


      O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

      Slibovane odpovedi na polozene otazky (anglicky)

      Seznam otazek
      0:12:00 Overview of Amiga history since late 90's to build context.  [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=1040s"]
      0:17:20[/URL] Red and Blue wars that I missed, which I believe caused a lot of the problems we have now ?
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=1170s"]0:19:30[/URL] Discussion about the Gateway deal?
      Light hearted ones 
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=750s"]0:12:30[/URL] Which beer you prefer, as poster has promised to buy him one (or more) at Amiga34 in Germany.  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=1440s"]0:24:00[/URL] Are you going to Las Vegas in August at Comm Vex?  [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=1530s"]
      0:25:30[/URL] Somebody did not want to ask a question due to my avatar LOL  [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=1570s"]
      0:26:10[/URL] Will amiga.com finally be for Amiga fans instead of trying to pawn off a snowman screen saver LOL 
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=1905s"]0:31:45[/URL] Hi Michael thanks for supporting the Amiga platform when very few were.  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=1955s"]0:32:35[/URL] How does it feel when specific parties (and many people on various  forums) try to paint you as the (only) bad guy, for simply defending  yourself in court?
      Antagonistic Section  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=2195s"]0:36:35[/URL] Who do you think you are? Response to answer “Is that the best you've got?“  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=2400s"]0:40:00[/URL] What would your parents think of this? 
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=2570s"]0:42:50[/URL] Where do you get off?  [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=2590s"]
      0:43:10[/URL] Did you ever understand what Amiga Inc. tried to do the past 20+ years? If yes - what did they do?
      Serious Questions for Michael  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=2780s"]0:46:20[/URL] Thoughts on new clones coming out e.g. AmyITX, ReAmiga, Pauls A4000 board etc?  [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=3050s"]
      0:50:50[/URL] Does Cloanto support Fair Use when it come to Amiga media and material?  [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=3160s"]
      0:52:40[/URL] Where do you see Amiga in 5, 10, 25 year times, and what are your plans for the Amiga?  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=3600s"]1:00:00[/URL] Any thoughts about expanding Amiga Forever to include MAC os8 emulation, Mac ppc emulation, and Atari ST emulation?  [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=3720s"]
      1:02:00[/URL] Given the recent (and not so recent) court / legal actions, is there  any new development regarding the "Discourse on Possible Futures"  specifically open source? 
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=3940s"]1:05:40[/URL] Possibility of a version of workbench/ ROM that would work out of the  box with the Vampire range of accelerators or even just the V4 stand  alone? Since the Vampire supporters support you blindly are they  licensing your ROM copies? 
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=4020s"]1:07:00[/URL] Should Cloanto secure the necessary rights, would the company let  independent developers access the source code or contribute, without  having to sign an NDA or contracts of sorts and will we be allowed to  freely share the patches and/or derivative work ?  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=4190s"]1:09:50[/URL] Amiga Inc. had a plan of going cross platform with the AmigaDE product  as a VM. What plans still exist and does the invention of WebAssembly in  the browser influence this?  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=4350s"]1:12:30[/URL] Will there ever be a bridge technology that allows accelerated 68k  machines to run VM code along with Next-Generation AmigaOne series  platforms?  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=4430s"]1:13:50[/URL] Will AmigaOS 3.1 be open sourced and under what license? and Does  Cloanto have the ability to open source Amiga OS? If so why does he not  open it up? 
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=4540s"]1:15:40[/URL] How are you going to make sure, to the best of your ability, Jens  Schoenfeld (or any other important people) does not leave the Amiga  Classic hardware scene?  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=4740s"]1:19:00[/URL] Are there some plans to bring back updated RKM manuals in some form?  There are reasonable inexpensive print-on-demand services today, or  maybe as e-books or PDFs?  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=4855s"]1:20:55[/URL] I have and love my AmigaONE X1000 that runs AmigaOS4.1FE now and have  long dreamed of an AmigaOS4.2! Can you please tell us NG Amiga users how  Cloanto owning the Amiga IP will affect future updates to OS4.x?  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=5040s"]1:24:00[/URL] Why is Cloanto Corporation and C-A Acquisition Corporation organized under the laws of the state of Nevada?  [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=5105s"]
      1:25:05[/URL] I also updated my classic Amigas with the recently released OS3.14 and  physical roms from Hyperion and again wonder how Cloanto owning the IP  rights moving forward will affect OS3.14 and future updates moving  forward ?  [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=5160s"]
      1:26:00[/URL] I’d like to know what he thinks about the Vampire and the growth of the 68K community in a post-PowerPC age.  
      [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=5205s"]1:26:45[/URL] Now that you own all the IP, will you be looking to create a rebirth  machine range including entry level A500/A1200 equivalent, and if yes,  would you consider the classic micro computer form factor? and If so  would you be looking to work with existing hardware manufacturers  (A-EON, Apollo etc) or would you try to do it "in house"?  [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHjXwH53_Nk&t=5340s"]
      1:29:00[/URL] I'm planning on buying wb 3.1.4 and ks roms. But who actually owns both? Who should I buy it from? if hyperion is selling them, does he get  a commission?
      1:33:20 What happened with the 8-Bit guy's request for licensing?
      1:36:20 Will we see Amiga as a cloud based OS and possible to install as a virtual machine?
      1:38:05 In event of open sourcing of AmigaOS 3.1, have you considered using  source code license compatible with AROS source code license?
      1:39:35 What are all the Amiga related IPs that he owns and what rights does that give him?
      1:40:30 How do third party companies get in touch about licensing and new product design to be inline with IP rights?
      1:43:15 Are you going to reach out to hardware developers, and what support will you be offering?
      1:44:15 Have you any plans to develop in house software for classic accelerated Amigas?
      1:44:40 Will you encourage the support of Raspberry Pi and other SBC's?
      1:47:10 As the technology world around us is increasingly becoming "touch  screen only," I would like to know if your plans for either the Classic  AmigaOS or NG include plans of ditching traditional mice and keyboards,  or if they will still be supported?
      1:48:45 Do you plan on  leveraging hardware companies (A-Eon, A-cube, etc.) to move away from  PPC toward a more affordable hardware CPU platform? And Do you plan on  making AmigaOS4.x hardware agnostic, or keeping it limited to one family  of CPU's?
      1:50:10 Would you be for forming an Amiga (OS)  Foundation to support development in the same vein as the Apache,  Mozilla, and various BSD Foundations?
      1:50:55 Will there be new 3.X AOS versions in the future? How will the lawsuit effect that?
      1:52:20 As a Mac/Linux user I really only use the ROM files from my current  version of Amiga Forever. "We'll soon start working on a Mac version of  Amiga Forever” seems to have been on the Cloanto website for a very long  time now. Are Cloanto still working on a Mac version of Amiga Forever  which offers the same, or better functionality as the Windows version?
      1:54:15 Will there be an Amiga Mini or would they be willing to work with  Emubee for the furtherance of their Amiga X project? and Will the new  entity, Cloanto or whatever support (or better: get involved into) the  AmigaX project?
      1:56:30 I recently read that Commodore Italy  has acquired global rights for Commodore trademarks. Do you have any  thoughts or plans to partner with them for products?
      1:58:30 Can you confirm that Cloanto now owns the Amiga name and logo (the one  on the A500 etc) and if so, are you willing to license it out to third  party products?
      2:01:25 The work from Olaf and Thomas on 3.1.4  is awesome. The cleanest and best update to 3.1 so far. How do you  think Cloanto can support and contribute to OS3 development from now on?
      2:04:38 The Amiga logo has been revised on numerous occasions. The logos  associated with the operating system and the hardware include, among  others, the original variant written in italic Times (created by  Commodore) and one more stylised variant written in a modified bondoni  typeface (created by Amiga Technologies). Under Cloanto management,  which one do you plan to use up ahead and why? What graphical identify  do you feel properly represents the Amiga in 2019?
      Dalsi kolo otazek a odpovedi by melo nasledovat po skonceni probihajicich pravnich bitev (take je v planu vratit se k otazkam, ktere nebyl Mike schopen jasne zodpovedet prave z duvodu probihajiciho soudu)
      Naposledy upravil ExiE; 02.05.2019, 22:13:34.


        O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

        Strašně nesympatická osoba. Info od Bena Hermanse (nevím odkud, nevíd kdy, nevím kdo, všechno popřu) ohledně nejmenování nástupce Solieho a prakticky ochromení dalšího vývoje OS4.

        Having said that, please understand that with the litigation going on with Cloanto which wants to undo all of the work we have been doing since 18 years and strip us of our rights for which we paid a very high price, unfortunately we did not get around to it yet.

        The amount of energy, time and money that we are forced to waste because of the delusions of grandeur of a certain person is off the scale and yes, this wil inevitably impact all other activities.


          O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

          Autorem citovaného textu je Scavenger Přejít na původní příspěvek
          Strašně nesympatická osoba. Info od Bena Hermanse (nevím odkud, nevíd kdy, nevím kdo, všechno popřu) ohledně nejmenování nástupce Solieho a prakticky ochromení dalšího vývoje OS4.
          Mike z Cloanta je velmi mila osoba. Vim, ze to z toho videa nevypada, ale je to tak.

          Ty vymluvy co pise Ben Hermans jsou k smichu. Jedine co Cloanto zpochybnuje se tyka Amiga OS 3.1 (3.1.4). Naopak, Hyperion se velkou merou zasadil o to, ze zadny vyvoj tykajici se OS 3.x celou tu dobu v podstate neexistoval...


            O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

            A mimochodem, muzete posilat otazky prave pro Hyperion a take pro MorphOS tym na adresu steve@imica.net aby mohli vzniknout rozhovory i s nimi...

            vice informaci zde https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uW32lME_OU


              O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

              Ono to bude určitě složitější a každý to vidíme jinak. Já to chápu tak, že Hyperion měl licenci na zdroje OS3 jen pro vývoj OS4. Nikdy ho nikdy nikdo nenajal na nějaký další vývoj OS3. Akorát ty nikdy nekončící spory jsou už tak nějak moc.


                O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy


                Po dohode s "Amiga parties" v roce 2009 v podstate jakekoli legalni omezeni pro Hyperon ohledne OS3/OS4 padlo (to je take jednim ze zasadnich bodu celeho soucasneho sporu). Hyperion OS3 prodaval samostatne minimalne od roku 2013 (ona jmenovana dohoda s Jensem), v baliku s OS4 jeste drive (OS4.1u4).

                Co se tyce Cloanta, za 20 let vyvoje OS3.X toho mnoho nepredvedli...


                  O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

                  Autorem citovaného textu je pavlor Přejít na původní příspěvek

                  Po dohode s "Amiga parties" v roce 2009 v podstate jakekoli legalni omezeni pro Hyperon ohledne OS3/OS4 padlo (to je take jednim ze zasadnich bodu celeho soucasneho sporu). Hyperion OS3 prodaval samostatne minimalne od roku 2013 (ona jmenovana dohoda s Jensem), v baliku s OS4 jeste drive (OS4.1u4).

                  Co se tyce Cloanta, za 20 let vyvoje OS3.X toho mnoho nepredvedli...
                  Hmm jasne. Kdyz vezmeme v uvahu nasledujici

                  Podle toho co jsem cetl nedavno tak Cloanto vubec nemelo a stale nema pristup k oficialnim zdrojovym kodum AmigaOS3.1. To se pak nevyviji nijak zvlast dobre.
                  Hyperion ma celou dobu "podepsaneho" nejvetsiho zijiciho odbornika na AmigaOS3.x a netusim jak dlouho ale dlouho pravdepodobne i druheho nejvetsiho (ale to trosku spekuluju) a jak je za tech 20 let vyuzili pro OS3.x?

                  Nijak. 3.1.4 vydali jen proto, ze to byly rychle prachy bez prace a bez nakladu na vyvoj...a ze jim tece ne do bot ale stoji po krk ve vode...

                  specialni vzkaz pro Pavlora: Tabor Forever!


                    O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy


                    Samozrejme, ze Cloanto nemel (legalni) pristup ke zdrojovym kodum, to jenom vzdy tak trochu mlzili, kdyz vydavali OS3.X za "upgrade", aby vypadali dulezitejsi. Proc by mel Hyperion zajimat OS3 jinak nez jako bezpracny zdroj prijmu (ostatne pro Cloanto je to vlastne totez)? Z pohledu Hyperionu je a vzdy byl budoucnosti Amigy OS4. Pred rokem 2009 by stejne na nejakou vlastni OS3 variantu nemeli licenci, k dalsimu vyvoji OS3 dali zelenou o 7 let pozdeji, coz je s ohledem na rychlost Hyperionu pri vydavani updatu k OS4 jeste docela obstojne.

                    O Taboru plati "when it is done" (muj odhad je public beta v roce 2035).


                      O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

                      Autorem citovaného textu je pavlor Přejít na původní příspěvek

                      Samozrejme, ze Cloanto nemel (legalni) pristup ke zdrojovym kodum, to jenom vzdy tak trochu mlzili, kdyz vydavali OS3.X za "upgrade", aby vypadali dulezitejsi. Proc by mel Hyperion zajimat OS3 jinak nez jako bezpracny zdroj prijmu (ostatne pro Cloanto je to vlastne totez)? Z pohledu Hyperionu je a vzdy byl budoucnosti Amigy OS4. Pred rokem 2009 by stejne na nejakou vlastni OS3 variantu nemeli licenci, k dalsimu vyvoji OS3 dali zelenou o 7 let pozdeji, coz je s ohledem na rychlost Hyperionu pri vydavani updatu k OS4 jeste docela obstojne.

                      O Taboru plati "when it is done" (muj odhad je public beta v roce 2035).
                      Abych si to ujasnil, takze prvne vytahnes ze nic nevyvijeli a a pak napises ze samozrejme nemeli zdrojaky. A nevadi ti, ze si ty dve veci tak trosku odporuji? A uz vubec ti neprijde divne jak to, ze ziskali prava a nedosali zdrojaky?

                      Info pro ostatni co to nesleduji tak pravidelne...

                      Tohle napsal Bolton Peck (zamestnanec AmigaInc.) zdroj
                      When I got there in 2000, Bill McEwen told us all that 'Classic is dead. There's no money there
                      at all in that market.' I didn't agree, and it turns out he was kind of wrong. Hyperion took on OS
                      4 entirely on their own, it was their idea, and they actually had to kind of goad Amiga into
                      letting them use the name.
                      + tohle
                      The problem is that the source repos are under Hyperion's control - Hyperion never got the sources from Amiga Inc (and hence acquired the elsewhere), and never returned the sources back to Amiga Inc. after OS4 was "done". Only way for Cloanto to get the sources, is to use the same old archive file as Hyperion started with decades ago, and go from there. Cloanto also currently have no access to development that happened since OS3.1. The only way forward, for *ANYONE* who want to see progress, is a legal battle against Hyperion. This is what currently is ongoing. And it is not just Cloanto, it seems that A-EON is also involved, as they are in a similar situation in regards to OS4.


                        O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy


                        Muj prispevek se snazil posmivat Cloantu, ktere se na svych strankach chvasta, jak vyviji OS3.X a pri tom... oba vime co.

                        Jak jsem napsal, Cloanto neni pokrok, ale dalsi sup, ktery si chce pochutnat na naivnich Amiga uzivatelich. Navic spolehat na vysledek soudnich pri je extremne nezodpovedne, pravni situace muze byt na konci jeste neprehlednejsi nez dnes (ruzna prava na ruznych trzich). Musim si zkontrolovat sve ruzove bryle, v posledni dobe jsem stale cynictejsi.


                          O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

                          Autorem citovaného textu je pavlor Přejít na původní příspěvek

                          Muj prispevek se snazil posmivat Cloantu, ktere se na svych strankach chvasta, jak vyviji OS3.X a pri tom... oba vime co.

                          Jak jsem napsal, Cloanto neni pokrok, ale dalsi sup, ktery si chce pochutnat na naivnich Amiga uzivatelich. Navic spolehat na vysledek soudnich pri je extremne nezodpovedne, pravni situace muze byt na konci jeste neprehlednejsi nez dnes (ruzna prava na ruznych trzich). Musim si zkontrolovat sve ruzove bryle, v posledni dobe jsem stale cynictejsi.
                          V tomto pripade budu naivnejsi ja, protoze skutecne verim, ze ten sup neni sup...


                            O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

                            A není to kondor? Ten má taky neopeřený krk...


                              O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

                              Kdyby se radši dohodli, udělali by líp a to nejen pro nás, ale i pro sebe.
                              Panda Libor


                                O: Jens Schoenfeld pravděpodobně skončí s podporou Amigy

                                Autorem citovaného textu je Delihc Přejít na původní příspěvek
                                Kdyby se radši dohodli, udělali by líp a to nejen pro nás, ale i pro sebe.
                                Jenže oni si chtějí udělat dobře pro sebe. Sleduju to jen z povzdálí ale dobrý pocit z toho nemám. A ještě se kluci hádáte i tady?
                                Amiga 600, Fúria EC020 OS, eX601, Indivision ECS, IDE Laylines, Amiga 1200, PiStorm32 Lite, PBook 1.67GHz, MOS 3.18, iBOOK G4, 1.2GHz, MOS3.18,,Asus UX433FA, MX-23.4 Libretto

